Here’s a sizzle reel of some of our favourite moggie moments from our work for Cats Protections on Behaviour Guides Series 2.
We were given the exciting task of bringing Beryl and Colin to life in the second series of Cats Protection’s popular YouTube series.
Continuing on from the hugely successful first series, animated by Cats Protections art director Rasoul Hudda, we were asked to step in and bring a robust animation pipeline to the production for series 2. That way things could be easily changed and worked on simultaneously to create our animated elements over the live action footage of the five films.
The first challenge was to subtly update the designs of Beryl and Colin, so the moggies were more expressive, and reflected Art Director Rus Hudda’s current art style.
With the live action footage already edited by the Cats Protection team, we set about adding Nicky's 2D cat Beryl scratching, purring, chasing and flomping to the different shots.
We supplied all of the animation as layered files, that way the characters could be reused across different content.
Client: Cats Protection
Direction: Persistent Peril
Animation: Emma Wakley, Ginny Jones, Garth Jones, Mark Billington
Compositing: Garth Jones
Producer for Persistent Peril: Sam Bourner
Audio: James Lock-Hart
For Cats Protection
Art Director: Rasoul Hudda
Editing & Director of Photography: Alistair Bennett
Staring: Nicky Trevorrow
Behaviour Manager: Nicky Trevorrow
Regional Behaviour Officer: Sammie Ravenscroft
Digital Engagement Manager: Vicki Greenfield

Style Development, Animatics, Animation Production
5 x Animated Films, Over 60 Layered Assets
Making of
Our process was to rough out the cat animation first frame by frame over the live action footage, before cleaning it up, adding shadows, adding textures, and roughening the line work. We then adding a floor shadow and masking things out to sit the 2D cats in our world.
Below we can see Beryl and Colin's rough animation.