We were really excited to create this short animated teaser for Jonathan the Magic Pony, with words by Stuart Heritage and illustrations by Nicola Slater.
We love Nicola's characters and it was a real joy to bring them to life!
For this project the animation was roughed out frame by frame before the characters were cleaned up in two passes. Block colours were drawn in ‘Animate’ and then textures added in Photoshop.
The wonderful sound design is by James Locke-Hart, whose squelchy frog and Pony ‘humfs’ add so much joy!
Client: Puffin Books UK
Art: Nicola Slater
Direction: Persistent Peril
Animation: Mark Billington, Ginny Jones, Garth Jones
Sound Design & Music: James Locke-Hart
Producer for Persistent Peril: Sam Bourner
Adapting Illustrations, Design and Storyboarding, Animatics, Animation Production, Creative Direction
1 x Animated Film for YouTube

Making of
Below is our rough animation which served as our guide to cleaning up the characters.