A strange explorer arrives at a painted x. After deliberation he cracks the surface, adds liquid, and using his volatile crystal companion and the sun, causes a reaction which reveals the IdN logo.
We were delighted to be asked to contribute a short animation for IdN magazine’s Geometric issue (Issue #v21n2). An open brief from IdN led to some bizarre ideas and playful 2D animation.
Client: IdN Magazine
Direction: Persistent Peril
Art Direction: Garth Jones
Animation: Garth Jones, Ginny Jones
Audio: James Locke-Hart
Producer for PP: Sam Bourner
Design and Storyboarding, Animatics, Animation Production, Creative Direction
1 x Animated ID

Making of
2D frame by frame animation drawn in Flash and composited together in After Effects. Here you can see a selection of rough drawings, along with a selection of the rough 2D animation.