We were thrilled to collaborate with the lovely folks at Cat’s Protection on two five part mini series’ for their education team. Aimed at five to seven year olds, let Nafisa guide you through ‘African Wildcats’, and Felix and Rosie teach you about the ‘Five Welfare Needs’.
Client: Cats Protection
Design & Direction: Persistent Peril
Animation: Mark Billington, Garth Jones, Ginny Jones
Sound Design: James Locke-Hart
Music: Dan Millidge
VO: Emma Clarke
Producer for PP: Sam Bourner
Cats Protection: Rasoul Hudda
All ten parts of the mini series can be viewed below.
Style Development, Design and Storyboarding, Story Development, Animatics, Animation Production
5 x Episodes of 'African Wildcats'
5 x Episodes of 'Welfare Needs'
African Wildcats
A five episode mini series, showing how African Wildcats live in their natural habitat.

Five Welfare Needs
A five episode mini series, showing what cats five welfare needs are.

Making of
Below are storyboard frames from our rough animatic showing the flow of the films and rough poses for the cats and their designs.